A customisable, easy-to-use and performant Tetris environment for Gymnasium
Tetris Gymnasium is tightly integrated with Gymnasium and exposes a simple API for training agents to play Tetris.
Getting started is easy. Here is a simple example of an environment with random actions:
import gymnasium as gym
from tetris_gymnasium.envs import Tetris
env = gym.make("tetris_gymnasium/Tetris", render_mode="ansi")
terminated = False
while not terminated:
print(env.render() + "\n")
action = env.action_space.sample()
observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
print("Game Over!")
Tetris Gymnasium tries to solve problems of other environments by being modular, understandable and adjustable. You can read more about the background in our paper: Piece by Piece: Assembling a Modular Reinforcement Learning Environment for Tetris (Preprint on EasyChair).
The game of Tetris is an open challenge in machine learning and especially Reinforcement Learning (RL). Despite its popularity, contemporary environments for the game lack key qualities, such as a clear documentation, an up-to-date codebase or game related features. This work introduces Tetris Gymnasium, a modern RL environment built with Gymnasium, that aims to address these problems by being modular, understandable and adjustable. To evaluate Tetris Gymnasium on these qualities, a Deep Q Learning agent was trained and compared to a baseline environment, and it was found that it fulfills all requirements of a feature-complete RL environment while being adjustable to many different requirements. The source-code and documentation is available at on GitHub and can be used for free under the MIT license.
The full documentation of the project can be found on GitHub Pages.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
We would like to thank the creators and maintainers of Gymnasium, CleanRL and Tetris-deep-Q-learning-pytorch for providing a powerful frameworks and reference implementations.