After completing the Installation, you can start using the environment by importing it in your Python code and calling the gymnasium.make
import gymnasium as gym
from tetris_gymnasium.envs import Tetris
env = gym.make("tetris_gymnasium/Tetris")
With the environment created, you can interact with it by calling the Gymnasium typical reset
and step
methods. The reset
method initializes the environment and returns the initial observation and info. The step
method takes an action as input and returns the next observation, reward, termination flag, truncation flag, and info.
Simple random agent¶
For example, a simple loop that interacts with the environment using random actions could look like this:
import gymnasium as gym
from tetris_gymnasium.envs.tetris import Tetris
if __name__ == "__main__":
env = gym.make("tetris_gymnasium/Tetris", render_mode="ansi")
terminated = False
while not terminated:
print(env.render() + "\n")
action = env.action_space.sample()
observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
print("Game Over!")
Interactive environment¶
You can play around with the environment by using the interactive scripts in the examples
For example, the play_interactive.py
script allows you to play the Tetris environment using the keyboard.
import sys
import cv2
import gymnasium as gym
from tetris_gymnasium.envs import Tetris
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create an instance of Tetris
env = gym.make("tetris_gymnasium/Tetris", render_mode="human")
# Main game loop
terminated = False
while not terminated:
# Render the current state of the game as text
# Pick an action from user input mapped to the keyboard
action = None
while action is None:
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
if key == ord("a"):
action = env.unwrapped.actions.move_left
elif key == ord("d"):
action = env.unwrapped.actions.move_right
elif key == ord("s"):
action = env.unwrapped.actions.move_down
elif key == ord("w"):
action = env.unwrapped.actions.rotate_counterclockwise
elif key == ord("e"):
action = env.unwrapped.actions.rotate_clockwise
elif key == ord(" "):
action = env.unwrapped.actions.hard_drop
elif key == ord("q"):
action = env.unwrapped.actions.swap
elif key == ord("r"):
if (
cv2.getWindowProperty(env.unwrapped.window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_VISIBLE)
== 0
# Perform the action
observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
# Game over
print("Game Over!")
To do Reinforcement Learning, you need to train an agent. The examples
directory contains a script demonstrating how to train a DQN agent on the Tetris environment using a convolutional neural network (CNN) model.
To run the training, use the following command:
poetry run python examples/train_cnn.py
This script trains a DQN agent with a CNN architecture.
You can refer to the CleanRL documentation for more information on the training script.
Note: If you have tracking enabled, you will be prompted to login to Weights & Biases during the first run. This behavior can be adjusted in the script or by passing the parameter --track False